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雅思口說part 1常見四大主題:工作 work、學業 study、家鄉 hometown、家 home,今天要來帶大家看「家home」這個主題!


Do you live in a house or an apartment?

What is your favorite room?

What do you like about your house?

Would you change anything about your home? Why / why not?

Would you like to move to a different home in the future?

What facilities are there near your house? …

甚至part 2 也有可能會遇到喔!例如:

Describe a home that you lived in

You should say:

– what the home looks like – what you like about this home – where this home was located

and explain how you feel about living in this home

很多學生都跟堡師反應,覺得自己的房間或家沒什麼特別的,不知道要描述什麼,或是不知道怎麼具體描述房間內有特色的亮點,這篇文章帶你們跟著影集「短租潛力股stay here」挖掘生活實用單字,並運用到雅思口說中,跟我們一起從生活日常中找機會練口說吧!

(對了!「奧斯汀水池 Austin Pool Pad」有作成獨立的一篇放在IG上喔,想看圖學英文可以去看看,印象會更深刻)

*谷燈堡英語Instagram連結 @gutenberg.english

西雅圖船屋Seattle Houseboat


  • Houseboat 船屋

  • Property 房產

  • Unique 獨特的

  • Cozy 舒適的

  • Waterfront 海濱區

  • Tight 空間狹小的

  • A rooftop deck 屋頂甲板

  • Crammed 擁擠的

  • Renovation 改造

  • Appliance 器具;設備

  • Modern and contemporary 現代&當代

  • Amenity 設施

  • Farmer’s market 農夫市場

  • Local treat 當地零食

  • Goodies 美食


Would you change anything about your home?

  • Actually, I’ve been meaning to renovate my kitchen since I moved in last year. All the appliances in the kitchen are old and broken and they need updating. Also I want to open it up to make it look bigger.

*open kitchen 開放式廚房

  • No! I really love the house I live now. It’s tiny but comfortable and cozy. But I would probably spend some money repainting the walls to create a more modern and contemporary vibe in my house.

Would you like to move to a different home in the future?

  • Yes, I would like to move to a bigger house, since the place I currently live is so tight and crammed for four people in the family.

  • Definitely! I’ve always wanted to live in a property that is unique and fun like a houseboat! Especially a houseboat with city and waterfront views. I can even imagine myself now sitting on the rooftop deck, enjoying the view of city skyline.

Are there many amenities?***

  • Yes, my house is located in the city center, so everything is within reach like gyms, restaurants and lots of stores. And I have to mention. Just right down the street where my house is, there is a super famous farmer’s market full of local treats and goodies.

***amenity 這個字在雅思考試中很常出現喔!但很多學生對這個字的概念還是很模糊,我們來看一下Cambridge dictionary給的英文定義:something such as swimming pool or shopping area that is intended to make life more pleasant or convenient for people in a town, hotel, or other place. 所以其實指的就是你生活環境周遭有的一些設施,讓你的生活變得更加便利。

另外,amenity也可以當成是一個地方提供額外的東西,使得你的體驗變得更好,例如飯店會額外提供shampoo, free Wi-Fi, a fitness center, free parking…這些都是amenities,又或是健身房會提供water bottles, snacks, showers…,也都可以看成是amenities。

奧斯汀水池Austin Pool Pad


  • Cottage 鄉村小屋

  • Picket fence 低矮籬笆

  • Backyard 後院

  • A pool 泳池

  • A hot tub 熱水池

  • Patio area 露台區

  • Cabana 涼亭

  • Pool house/shed 池邊小屋

  • Focal point 焦點

  • Full-length mirror 全身鏡

  • Game room 遊戲房

  • Arcade game 街機遊戲

  • Foosball table 桌上足球機


What do you like about your house?

First, I like the fact that my house is a small cottage set back from the road with beautiful white picket fence in front of it. But my favorite part is definitely the backyard. I have a big pool and a hot tub in the backyard. In the summer I enjoy relaxing on the patio, sitting in the sunshine. I often set up the barbecue there, enjoy cooking and eating meals with my family and friends out in the fresh air. There is also a poolside cabana where you can hide to get out of the sun. My backyard really gives me a perfect outdoor living space and this is what I like the most about my house.




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